
Showing posts from April, 2020
About me Mi name is Catalina Torres, I was born in Rancagua, Chile. I have three brothers, I am the only woman.  I studied in Villa Maria College in Machali, all my life, just like my brothers. My older brother is a commercial engineer at  University of Chile, and my little brothers are twins, they are 11 years old. Now, I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy in universidad de Chile.  For this, I traveled all the weekends to Machali. When I went to school, every saturday, i was going to Scout, first I was in the school group, Villa Maria, but closed in 2014, so I switched to the Quitrahue group. Now, in the university, unfortunately the times aren't enough. My favourites hobbies are reading and painting, apart from watch series and movies on Netflix.