I totally agree with what Emma Watson says in the class video, feminism is equality between men and women, having the same rights, duties and opportunities, a feminist woman is not against men, she is against bullies, now for either physical, mental or verbal aggression.

As we get older, we are “taught” more things to take care of ourselves and we become aware of more inequalities.

They teach women from childhood to dress to "prevent", or not to walk alone at night, to always be accompanied.

When a man goes out alone, the greatest risk he runs is an assault, but if a woman goes out alone, it is very likely that things will be shouted at her, she is also at risk of assault, but also kidnapping and rape.

In my first year of college, I realized that women in summer preferred to wear long pants to avoid situations in the subway or on the street. They also told me to always wear comfortable shoes that allow me to run in case of danger.

Why do they teach us to take care of ourselves, to prevent situations, instead of teaching us respect between men and women?

As adults, there are other types of inequalities, such as salary, and the roles or duties that each one is supposed to fulfill.


  1. We have to fight for equality between men and women and because little by little things are getting better.

  2. I am so tired of being sexualized that every time i get out i pick a rock up and i prepare to throw it when someone say something to me.

  3. feminism is equality between men and women !u-u

  4. Little by little a change is being noticed, I hope it continues like this until equality between men and women become a reality.


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